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2014 China Hunan International Tourism Festival opens in Xinning county

2014-09-17 16:50:39 来源:enghunan.gov.cn
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The opening ceremony of the 2014 China Hunan International Tourism Festival, themed "Splendid Xiaoxiang, happy Hunan" was held in Xinning County of Shaoyang City on September 16. The event was hosted by Hunan Tourism Bureau and Shaoyang Municipal People's Government, and undertaken by Shaoyang Tourism Bureau, Xinning County People's Government and Langshan Scenic Area. 

The opening ceremony was unfolded in three sections: "appointment with the earth", "love for ten thousand years", and "romantic Langshan". The theme song, "Love for Ten Thousand Years", made its debut at the festival, telling the love story between Emperor Shun with Ehuang and Nuying. The audience feasted their eyes on local customs of Xinning like drum dance of Miao nationality, beating symbals of Tujia nationality, sacrificial dance of Dongkou, and intangible cultural heritage items such as hanging dragon of Chengbu and hand-shaking dance of Tujia nationality. 

Present at the ceremony were leaders of related national ministries and commissions and leaders of some provinces (municipalities and autonomous regions) and guests from Italy, Britain, Germany, France, Russia, Canada, South Korea, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand and Indonesia.  

Translator: Zhang Minsi 

Chinese source: travel.people.com.cn; hunan.gov.cn 

2014 China Hunan International Tourism Festival opens in Xinning county

The opening ceremony of the 2014 China Hunan International Tourism Festival.

2014 China Hunan International Tourism Festival opens in Xinning county

Deputy Secretary of the CPC Hunan Provincial Committee Sun Jinlong declares the opening of the 2014 China Hunan International Tourism Festival.

2014 China Hunan International Tourism Festival opens in Xinning county

Vice Governor of Hunan Province He Baoxiang delivers a speech.

2014 China Hunan International Tourism Festival opens in Xinning county

2014 China Hunan International Tourism Festival opens in Xinning county

Art performances

编辑:刁云娇 标签: tourism festival ceremony
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