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Tesla cutting-edge electric vehicle made its debut in Changsha

2014-08-14 15:57:46 来源:Chinadaily
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A new energy sports car from Tesla recently made its debut in Changsha county and has three proud new owners. The Hunan Baolu Automobile Co, on Sanyi Rd in the Kaifu district is the sole Tesla dealer, with two models, the S85 and P85, available, with the first starting at 734,000 yuan, and the second at 852,500 yuan. The dealer started taking orders in May, with a down payment of 200,000 yuan and a 6-month minimum wait before delivery.

Tesla’s cutting-edge power train delivers exhilarating performance and, unlike the internal-combustion engine with its hundreds of parts, has only one moving part -- the rotor. The S Model has immediate acceleration without a drop of gasoline and can reach 100 km/hr within 5.6 seconds.

A salesman explained that the S Model comes with a 4-year, or 80,000-km, warranty for the whole car and the battery has an 8-year, or 150,000-km, warranty. The battery does not need normal maintenance and if it fails will be directly replaced. If the car has any maintenance done or tires or other parts changed at non-certified shops, it does not affect the warranty. If parts are damaged or need replacement, the manufacturer will directly replace them, but this must be done at a certified service centers.

编辑: 于姝楠 标签: Tesla vehicle
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