Lifestyle / News

For expats, Shanghai tops list for desirability again

[2015-03-09 07:37]

The financial hub has become one of the hottest destinations in China for expats and has more than 88,000 resident foreign experts.

2014 Amazing China campaign

[2014-07-17 18:15]

The campaign aims at exploring the charm of Chinese cities and publicizing them through the eyes of foreigners. It has been successfully organized four years in a row since 2010.

Top 10 cities in China

[2013-11-27 10:39]

Expatriates have an abundance of choices when choosing where to live in China, but which city is the most foreigner friendly?

Vote for your favorite cities

[2014-07-17 18:34]

You're invited to cast your vote for the top 10 cities out of 30 candidate cities and towns that you've always known or heard.

Li praises foreign experts for contribution

[2013-10-01 01:04]

Premier Li Keqiang had high praise for the work of foreign experts in China and their efforts for the country.China Friendship Award winner Ravi Shankar
'Skills list' to attract overseas talent

The wind beneath my wings

[2013-09-29 19:22]

As journalists, we are the ones asking the questions, seeking the answers, looking for that exclusive photo or interview.

50 foreign experts honored with Friendship Awards

[2013-09-29 20:47]

The Friendship Awards began in 1991 and have become the highest honor foreign experts receive from the State Council, or China’s cabinet. 'Skills list' to attract overseas talent, Award winner Ravi Shankar

Shanghai still the favorite city

[2013-11-06 09:01]

Shanghai topped the list as foreigners' favorite city in the Chinese mainland in 2013, according to a survey released on Wednesday.

Expats vote for Chinese cities

[2013-09-04 17:06]

The results of the 2012 Amazing China - The Most Attractive Chinese Cities for Foreigners were released, with Shanghai, Beijing, Shenzhen, Suzhou, Kunming, Hangzhou, Nanjing, Tianjin, Xiamen and Qingdao listed as the top 10.

Coming of foreign talent mutually beneficial

[2013-07-08 07:15]

Working in China can mean more opportunities for the foreign experts and the institutions in which they work.

Expat fair offers more than teaching jobs

[2013-05-05 07:30]

China's major job fairs for foreigners have featured more high-tech and management-oriented positions.

China welcomes more foreign experts

[2013-01-30 07:24]

China will become more open to introducing foreign experts this year and it will extend cooperation in talent exchange.

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