

Hutong community choir offers retirees a newfound family

[2016-07-19 15:10]

To the women of Guowang Community Center, singing is more than just a hobby. Through their shared love of singing, the close-knit group has become nothing short of a family.

Ancient game is alive and well in Beijing’s hutong

[2016-07-19 10:47]

Though he is 75 years old, Chai Tixian is able to play Jianzi with surprising speed, skill and coordination. With a flick of his foot, he can send the shuttle rocketing up and have it land precisely on the center of his forehead.

Bamboo Bicycle Beijing integrates hutong life and culture into business model

[2016-07-18 16:02]

In 2014, Bamboo Bicycles Beijing founder David Wang started his business in the Langjia hutong. He had seen the immense number of abandoned bicycles in Beijing, and began restoring discarded bicycles.

Traditional restaurant gives locals a taste of the hutong

[2016-07-18 14:56]

Situated in Ya' er Hutong, just a few streets over from busy Houhai Lake, LiJi restaurant attracts hordes of residents seeking a traditional Beijing meal.

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