
How European countries preserve ancient buildings

( ) Updated: 2015-08-04 14:32:20

Poland: Cultural preservation listed with the sovereign rights in constitution

How European countries preserve ancient buildings

In the Poland’s constitution adopted in 1997, two articles relating to cultural preservation are listed with the article of sovereignty under the same part. [File photo]

During WWⅡ, over 85% of the buildings in Warsaw, capital of Poland was destroyed. No ancient buildings could be seen any more. Based on prewar architectural data, the Polish rebuilt the original Warsaw city and further constructed new urban areas after the war.

In the Poland’s constitution adopted in 1997, two articles relating to cultural preservation are listed with the article of sovereignty under the same part. In addition to the Ministry of Cultural and National Relics, Poland also established the Administration of Cultural Heritage at provincial and municipal levels which has the power of independent law enforcement. Urban planning as well as new building construction, as long as they involve ancient buildings or cultural or historic relics, first has to get the permission from the administration before starting. Around 30% of Poland’s territory is now on the list of cultural preservation.

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