
Popular US series uses Chinese elements

By Cindy Gu ( ) Updated: 2014-02-17 17:13:44

Popular US series uses Chinese elements

Cast member Kevin Spacey poses at the premiere for the second season of the television series "House of Cards" at the Directors Guild of America in Los Angeles, California February 13, 2014. [Photo/Agencies]

Popular US series uses Chinese elements
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Popular US series uses Chinese elements
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One of the most eye-catching points of "House" is the collaboration between Fincher, who's most known for shooting films with criminal themes, and Spacey, an acclaimed actor best known for his portrayal of big screen villains.

In the series, there are shots where Spacey looks directly into the camera and seemingly 'looks' and 'talks' to the audience. The aim, "to simplify and clarify and deliver the essence of politics directly to the fans."

Spacey delivers on this aim.

It's hard to separate Spacey from Underwood in "House." The insidious and ruthless character of Underwood seems tailor-made for him. What's more, though Underwood is labeled cruel, clever and cold-hearted, Spacey's meticulous acting makes it hard to dislike the character he plays.

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