
Global vision needed for Chinese films to enter western cinemas: experts

( ) Updated: 2013-11-15 08:57:13

Global vision needed for Chinese films to enter western cinemas: experts

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Global vision needed for Chinese films to enter western cinemas: experts

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LONDON -- Experts at the Fifth China Image Film Festival noted that if Chinese film-makers want their products to be accepted by Western audiences, they should have global vision.

"Many Chinese films were made for the Chinese market," said Ivor Benjamin, chairman of Directors Guild of Great Britain, adding that filmmakers should think about making films for the global market as well.

"Chinese and British filmmakers should talk to each other and produce stories of universal interests which could reach both Chinese and the Western audiences," he said.

His view was shared by Wang Ping, director of a 2013 Chinese blockbuster, An End to Killing.

"We should take the needs of foreign audiences into consideration from the very beginning when we are about to make a film," he said. He told Xinhua that his new movie was an attempt in this respect, having had two foreign supervisors and using advices from the Dutch film company Fortissimo to help promote the film in Europe.

However, the movie had to be reworked several times before being screened in Britain due to technical problems. "Technical requirements were very strict in Britain," Wang said. "I now realize that artistic work is not enough, and we need to improve technically so as to go abroad."

The China Image Film Festival is the largest Chinese film festival in Europe. Established in 2009, it aims to promote Chinese films and cultures across the world. The festival opened Tuesday evening and will last until Monday next week.


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