
Exclusive interview with Daniel Wu

By Liu Wei ( ) Updated: 2013-10-21 06:59:03
Exclusive interview with Daniel Wu

A scene from Daniel Wu's upcoming film "Control," to be released on Nov 21. Photo provided to China Daily

Hong Kong star Daniel Wu sits with China Daily to talk more than his new film Control, to be released on Nov 21.

Wu produces and stars in the futuristic thriller, playing an insurance salesman threatened to rob a bank by a secret voice that seems in control of everything in town.

In the interview Wu also shares stories of his first martial arts mentor, his admiration of director Stanley Kubrick, and what he is unsatisfied about his look--you can never imagine the answer.

At last he talks about his daughter Raven, born on May 30 this year. The 39-year dad has been worried already about his"imaginary enemies"--his daughter's future boyfriends.

Will he open the safety pin of every baby boy he meet and put pepper in their powder so that they struggle in water and fire to marry someone else's daughter?

You'll find the answers here.

Q & A

If you could talk to a late master in your field, who would you like to talk to and why?

Stanley Kubrick for sure, because I think the first movie that really hit my heart as a film and as a piece of art was A Clockwork Orange.

I remember watching that when I was 15 and I realized, oh, movie could be more than Ghostbusters and Gremlins, they could be a lot more deep, interesting and a lot more reflective on society. After I saw that movie I watched all of his movies. I am a huge fan of him, if I could get into his brain for a little bit that would be great.

What would you talk to him?

I would like to know a lot about how each movie was made, what he was thinking at that time and why he did those movies, but also maybe some advice on how to be a good director.

Exclusive interview with Daniel Wu

Exclusive interview with Daniel Wu

Trailer of Daniel Wu's 'Control' Daniel Wu's "imaginary enemies"

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