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Women's health in rural areas targeted (2008-03-03)
Close to 70 percent of women who died in childbirth and infants who died one year or younger did so in remote and poor rural areas, Health Minister Chen Zhu said over the weekend.

Public schools to extend reach (2008-02-14)
About 70 percent of the children of migrant workers in Shanghai will receive free primary and middle-school education at public schools by 2010, the Shanghai municipal education commission said.

Better care for Shanghai's migrants (2008-02-13)
The Shanghai municipal government has vowed to improve its social insurance system to provide better care for migrant workers.

More than 95% of Chinese villages to access broadband service in 2008 (2008-02-10)
Some 95% of the central and eastern provinces will have all their townships and villages covered by broadband service by the end of this year, according to the Ministry of Information Industry

Grants to Project Hope (2004-07-13)
Project Hope in East China's Anhui Province received a grant of 4 million yuan (US$482,000) yesterday for construction of new schools.

Clear parameters for relief system (2003-07-24)
A set of new rules to clarify and give detailed instructions concerning the relief system to the urban homeless was published by the Ministry of Civil Affairs on Monday.

Project hope (2003-07-24)

Spring Bud Project (2003-07-24)

Pilot social security program (2003-07-24)

Educating the Poor (2003-07-24)

Helping the Poor with Tourism (2003-07-24)

Helping the poor by conserving water (2003-07-24)

Helping the poor in culture (2003-07-24)

Financing the poor (2003-07-24)

Scientech poverty reduction projects (2003-07-24)

The "Food and Clothing Project" (2003-07-24)

Project happiness (2003-07-24)

Poor farmers' self-independence project (2003-07-24)

Glorious program (2003-07-24)

Grass roots project (2003-07-24)

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