China / China Scene

Snow brings a cool reception for the iPhone 5

[2012-12-15 02:32]

Apple Inc's iPhone 5 made a low-key debut on the Chinese mainland on Friday, with overnight snow in Beijing preventing a repeat of the chaotic scenes that greeted its predecessor.

Cop cleared of graft suspicion after probe

[2012-12-13 04:26]

The discipline watchdog has cleared a cop in south China of graft suspicion after muckcrackers accused him of gross corruption that had recently brought down a number of low- and mid- level Chinese officials across the country.

Day to remember as couples tie the knot

[2012-12-13 00:59]

Lovebirds across China and beyond rushed to tie the knot on Wednesday - 12/12/12 - seeking an extra dose of luck on the last symmetrical date for nearly 100 years.

Online retailers ready for latest sales extravaganza

[2012-12-12 00:44]

After enjoying what may prove to be the world's biggest ever, one-day, online shopping bonanza last month, Chinese e-commerce players are gearing up for another sales promotion on Wednesday, this time luring customers with what's being dubbed the "double 12" shopping spree.

Criticism of consulates' charity events draws fire

[2012-12-12 00:42]

Despite a retired Chinese official's criticism of foreign consulates' charity sales, a large number of netizens have vowed to support more such activities to boost China's charity development.

Drivers urged to give ambulances right of way

[2012-12-12 00:42]

First aid workers in Beijing have called for more awareness of giving ambulances the right of way after an injured woman died in an emergency vehicle that got stuck in traffic on Friday.

S China village chief commits suicide amid protest

[2012-12-11 04:40]

A village official in south China killed himself on Monday after a two-month protest in the village over alleged fund embezzlement under his watch.

1,000 ethnic villages to be upgraded

[2012-12-11 03:15]

The government has vowed to further protect ethnic cultural diversity and boost the livelihood of ethnic groups, as it outlined plans for 1,000 ethnic villages to be protected in the next three years.

Quick response codes are taking off

[2012-12-11 03:15]

QR codes were first designed for the automotive industry. More recently, the system has become popular outside the industry due to its quick readability and large storage capacity compared to standard barcodes.

Pawnshops re-emerge with friendlier look

[2012-12-10 00:31]

The traditional image of a pawnshop is dark and desperate. Typically in China, as elsewhere, they were a place where the poor went to put food on the table and entering one came with a large slice of social stigma attached.

Whiz kid wants a quiet life

[2012-12-03 01:06]

Ten-year-old Feng Shaoyi has been hounded by the media after his recent online post about his intention to quit school went viral on Sina Weibo, China’s answer to Twitter. It has attracted more than 7,000 comments and was forwarded more than 18,000 times.

AIDS patients fight for equal employment opportunity

[2012-12-02 03:21]

HIV/AIDS sufferers fighting against employment discrimination face much tougher situation than people with other infectious diseases, said en expert.

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