China / Xi Jinping

Xi reiterates policy of peaceful development

[2013-03-19 19:38]

Chinese President Xi Jinping said here Tuesday that China will adhere to the path of peaceful development.

Xi says Russian visit shows high level of partnership

[2013-03-19 16:58]

Chinese President Xi Jinping said Tuesday his forthcoming visit to Russia shows the high level and special nature of the comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination between the two countries.

Xi's Russia visit to strengthen economic ties

[2013-03-19 16:11]

A spokesman for China's Ministry of Commerce said on Tuesday that Chinese President Xi Jinping's upcoming visit to Russia will boost bilateral economic ties.

Newspaper drums up confidence in 'Chinese road'

[2013-03-19 15:57]

The People's Daily, the flagship newspaper of the Communist Party of China (CPC), carried an editorial on Tuesday calling for confidence in Chinese methodology as the one sure path to realize the "Chinese dream."

Xi receives interview ahead of first visit abroad

[2013-03-19 14:52]

Chinese President Xi Jinping on Tuesday received a joint interview by Xinhua and media outlets from the other four BRICS countries ahead of his first state visit abroad.

Xi urges joint efforts to advance China-US ties

[2013-03-19 13:17]

President Xi Jinping said China is ready to work with the United States to advance cooperative partnership between the two countries.

Xi's 4-nation tour to open new chapter for diplomacy

[2013-03-19 04:12]

Chinese President Xi Jinping will pay state visits to Russia, Tanzania, South Africa and the Republic of Congo.

Xi's visit fresh impetus for ties

[2013-03-19 03:05]

Chinese President Xi Jinping's upcoming visit to Russia will inject new impetus into their strategic partnership, says Chinese Ambassador Li Hui.

President heads to Moscow in first overseas state visit

[2013-03-19 02:00]

President Xi Jinping's plan to visit Russia during his first overseas trip underscores the growing importance of China-Russia relations to Beijing.

Xi to talk with Putin to set future direction

[2013-03-19 01:48]

President Xi will establish the direction of future China-Russia ties with Russian President Putin during his first foreign visit to the country.
 Xi heads to Moscow in first overseas state visit
 Xi's visit fresh impetus for China-Russia ties

Xi Jinping endorses work of HK, Macao govts

[2013-03-18 21:02]

Chinese president Xi Jinping on Monday met CY Leung and Chui Sai On, chief executives of Hong Kong and Macao special administrative regions(SAR), fully endorsing their work and that of their respective governments.

PLA vows firm support for 'Chinese dream'

[2013-03-18 13:30]

The Chinese military has pledged robust support to ensure the realization of the "Chinese dream", according to a circular from the General Political Department of the People's Liberation Army (PLA).

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