Best wishes to the alma mater

Updated:2011-09-21 07:27



The Beijing Foreign Studies University is celebrating its 70th anniversary on Saturday and it's become a hot topic on one of the most popular microblogs for the university's alumni at

Here are a bunch of web comments posted by current or formers students of the university on microblogs about the university, delivering best wishes to their alma mater.


Best wishes to the alma mater

@Pea Princess Xiaobao: The topic of the 70th anniversary of Beijing Foreign Studies University has aroused lots of emotion in my heart. Looking back, what I miss most is still the environment on campus. Of course, I'm also grateful for the opportunities and platform it offered me, but this gratefulness is not close to intimacy. To put it more appropriately, what I miss is the time I spent in the university, and for the trace I left there, rather than the university itself.

Best wishes to the alma mater

@He Liao: The 70th anniversary of Beijing Foreign Studies University is coming. On the campus slogan banner on campus it is written: “Where there is a national flag flying, there are BFSUers.” Feeling so proud! Then a picture springs into my mind: a red flag on a boundless land of ice and snow, and me, surrounded by countless penguins…

Best wishes to the alma mater

@Tian Girl Tanya likes Foolish Zaizai: Sept 24th, 2011 is the 70th anniversary of Beijing Foreign Studies University and the 10th anniversary of the International Business School. But I am not able to attend either! So sad. Therefore, I have decided to bring my whole family to attend the 80th anniversary of the university and the 20th anniversary of the school in 2021!!!

Best wishes to the alma mater

@He Jiong: So many years have passed since I left school. I recall the unpredictable relationship between classmates which seems crystal clear now. I recall the exams, from which you can see good results as long as you make an effort. I recall the age that you can pour your heart out or act like a spoiled child when stressed out. The current me misses the campus so much that I would like to stay there for even one day. How about you?

Best wishes to the alma mater

@butheina: Anniversary souvenirs at last~~ I am not being hypocritical, but the sight of the address of “2nd, West Third Ring Road” gives me warmth and reminiscence…

Best wishes to the alma mater

@Cool Moon: Today I went back to visit my teachers at BFSU. The 70th anniversary is drawing near, and the campus is bustling with joy. I took a walk there and it felt very nice. I'm a person with a campus complex. I cannot help dreaming of returning for school as long as I'm on a boulevard of a university. Treasure the days at school, you students.

Best wishes to the alma mater

@Wang Zihan: As a volunteer for the 70th anniversary of Beijing Foreign Studies University celebrations, I am honored to attend the dinner party held in Diaoyutai State Guesthouse on 23rd. @Yang Lan will host the anniversary ceremony on 24th, and @He Jiong will host the evening show (I got a ticket!!) It makes one happy to have something to look forward to. I love BFSU, and I thank BFSU. Happy birthday.

Best wishes to the alma mater

@The Manshow aMay: it has been ten years since I entered BFSU and the radio station and met you guys. I rejoice at your company throughout my youth, present and future. BFSU has taught me a most unrestrained life philosophy: no competing, no rushing, be free and be happy. I feel the “undisciplined” atmosphere of BFSU suits me best, much better than any pursuit of elitism.

Best wishes to the alma mater

@A Student of Diplomacy: Alma mater is the place which you can criticize 800 times a day but wouldn't allow others to say anything bad about. My BFSU is not perfect; it's not the most famous university of the nation. However, it is, and always will be, the spiritual home of my heart. On the campus, I naturally feel relaxed and safe. No matter where I am, I will go back and visit it on the 70th anniversary.

Best wishes to the alma mater

@Johann_Zhang: I volunteered to welcome the freshmen today, from 9 am to 5 pm, seeing the university fueled with new blood :) soon it will be the 70 anniversary, and I will leave BFSU in one year… After all, one has to fight for higher objectives.