China / Latest News

Chinese premier stresses better service for startups

[2015-03-23 11:03]

Chinese Premier Li Keqiang has stressed the importance of improved business service for startups while visiting the national market watchdog.

Fair wind blowing strong for startups in China

[2015-07-16 08:36]

It's the question I face most often from my peers: "What's really driving the Chinese economy?"

Nation no longer a 'wasteland' for entrepreneurs

[2015-07-07 10:59]

People unfamiliar with recent developments within China generally believe that the nation lacks innovation capabilities as well as the infrastructure to support entrepreneurship.

Internet startups get boost

[2015-06-27 07:52]

China will lower the bar for Internet startups to enter traditional sectors as the nation acts on the "Internet Plus" strategy to boost the economy, senior officials said on Friday.

China's new entrepreneurs head for home

[2015-06-25 14:11]

Big money, relatively speaking, on offer to workers in China's cities has attracted millions of migrants, but Liu Yongzhen, 29, has decided to return home.

Rise of the new breed of Internet entrepreneurs

[2015-07-09 08:48]

Alibaba, Baidu and Tencent are seeing some of their most talented staff leave to set up or join online startups as venture capital funds move into the market

More policies to encourage rural startups

[2015-06-22 07:23]

The State Council has announced policies to encourage migrant workers, and college graduates to return to their rural hometowns and start business.

Guideline promises support for entrepreneurship in rural regions

[2015-06-22 07:23]

Authorities will offer several incentives, including tax breaks, to those who want to return to their hometown to start business.

Initiatives rolled out for startups

[2015-06-13 07:46]

The Chinese government announced initiatives on Friday to help migrant workers, veterans and university graduates establish businesses back in their hometowns.

Startups upstage SOEs for jobs

[2015-05-01 07:30]

Government jobs, with steady income, job security and power, are losing lustre as more people opt to become entrepreneurs and seek fortune in starups.

Cafe helps startups get started

[2015-01-19 10:36]

Located in China's technology hub Zhongguancun, more than 140 young companies use Garage Cafe as a place to grow their businesses and meet investors.

Investment fund to aid startups

[2015-01-15 07:28]

China will set up a 40 billion yuan ($6.45 billion) investment fund to support startups in emerging industries, part of government efforts to nurture new growth engines amid the slowest economic expansion in almost 25 years.

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