Smog is a hot topic at the Two Sessions with Premier Li Keqiang vowing to enforce environmental regulations in the Government Work Report.
In more than 300 prefecture-level cities nationwide, the air quality in 80 percent of them failed to meet the required standard.
The answer of Foreign Minister Wang Yi is very confident, calm and full of principle.
Many variables are behind taxation and careful and thorough consideration needs to be taken to making a tax policy.
As terrorist attacks are proliferating around the world, all countries need to cooperate in a bid to squeeze the breeding ground for terrorism.
To facilitate a market economy, the new generation of Chinese leaders should deal with the current status in a delicate way.
'Japan lost the war against the allied forces 70 years ago, but it should not lose its conscience on the question of the war 70 years later.'
The changed emphases contained in the Government Work Report indicate that the economy still has the potential to be in good shape, says a People's Daily article.