China / Politics

China urges continuous MH370 search

(Xinhua) Updated: 2014-05-27 21:59

BEIJING - China hopes Malaysia will work with all sides concerned to continue searching for the missing Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370, a Chinese military leader said here on Tuesday.

Fan Changlong, vice Chairman of China's Central Military Commission, made the remarks when meeting with visiting Malaysian Defense Minister Hishamuddin Hussein.

Fan gave a positive evaluation of Malaysia's efforts in searching for the missing jet, but added, "We are highly concerned about the missing passengers, including Chinese passengers" and that search and investigation should not stop until the truth comes out.

Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 disappeared on March 8 en route from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing, and has not been found. Of the 239 people onboard, 154 were Chinese.

China stands ready to keep close communication and coordination with Malaysia to continue the work, Fan said.

Hishamuddin said the search has entered a new phase, and Malaysia appreciates China's support, adding that Malaysia will work with China and other countries concerned to continue the search.

During the meeting, Fan and Hishamuddin also pledged to make joint efforts to elevate the bilateral relationship between the two countries.

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