Xi's trip to promote win-win cooperation

Updated: 2013-08-28 21:04


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Advancing China-Central Asia win-win cooperation

Xi will pay state visits to Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan from September 3 to 13, to strengthen relations with the four countries as well as other countries in the region.

The visit to Turkmenistan, the first leg of this tour, will deepen China-Turkmenistan strategic cooperation, and advance their cooperation in such fields as trade, economy, energy, transportation, law enforcement, security and culture.

During the visit to Kazakhstan, the leaders of the two countries will map out the medium- and long-term prospects of bilateral ties, lift bilateral pragmatic cooperation, and promote cultural exchanges to consolidate the foundation for their comprehensive strategic partnership.

Analysts pointed out that there is still great potential for bilateral cooperation in areas such as rail, roads, the processing industry, electronic communications and new energy.

Xi's visit to Uzbekistan will further strengthen mutually beneficial cooperation, enhance coordination on major global and regional affairs and infuse more strategic meaning into their strategic partnership.

At the last leg of the tour, in Kyrgyzstan, the leaders of the two countries will seek to promote mutually beneficial cooperation in various fields and lift bilateral relations to a new high.

China has always supported Kyrgyzstan's development, helping it improve its power system, build roads and carry out other programs aimed at improving people's livelihood, Chinese Ambassador to Kyrgyzstan Qi Dayu said.

"China established diplomatic relations with Central Asian countries 20 years ago. The first 10 years was a decade of beginning and warming-up; the second 10 years was a decade of rapid progress," said Jia Xiudong, a senior research fellow at the China Institute of International Studies.

"As for the coming 10 years, it will be a golden decade of all-dimensional and high-level development," Jia added.

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President Xi visits Central Asia, attends G20, SCO summits

Sept 3 to 13: Pay state visits to Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan.

Sept 5 to 6: Attend the eighth Leaders' Summit of the Group of Twenty (G20) in St. Petersburg.

Sept 13: Attend the 13th Meeting of the Council of Heads of Member States of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) in Bishkek, the capital of Kyrgyzstan.


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