China's growth to benefit the world
With the US in a declining mode, the world needs a steadier China.
Thoughts after hearing Xi's speech
I was very happy to see that Xi Jinping did focus on trade and on the importance of Asia Pacific trade being cooperative and inclusive.
China doesn't want to go to war
Extending trade is one of the best ways to gain friends without military intervention. China doesn't have a single stronghold outside it's "borders".
US and China-Russia ties
This is a wise strategic move by China and Russia. US had made a big mistake by gathering all the small states around South China Sea area.
Australia needs Chinese Dream
Australia must wake up from the American Fantasy and start living the Chinese Dream. Australian culture is more in line with China than America.
China and ASEAN to handle territorial issues like friends
China and its neighbours should handle the issue of territorial claims as a problem between friends rather than a conflict with one another.
China should increase investment in ASEAN
China should ratchet up cooperation with Association of Southeast Asian Nations countries to expand Beijing's regional influence while countering Washington's Asia-Pacific pivot strategy.
Territorial disputes remain an obstacle
To a lesser extent, relations may also be negatively affected by internal problems involving treatment of ethnic Chinese minorities.
Xi's visit historic
Xi makes a historic trip to the land where countless generations of Chinese have emigrated to, settled down, and melded into.

President Xi visits Indonesia, Malaysia, attend APEC summit
Oct 2 to 3: Pay State Visit to Indonesia
Oct 4 to 5: Pay State Visit to Malaysia
Oct 6 to 8: Attend the 21st economic leaders' meeting of APEC forum and meet with global leaders in Bali, Indonesia
China's growth to benefit the world
With the US in a declining mode, the world needs a steadier China.
Thoughts after hearing Xi's speech
I was very happy to see that Xi Jinping did focus on trade and on the importance of Asia Pacific trade being cooperative and inclusive.