Life has changed a lot in 10 years

Updated: 2012-10-14 11:54

Living changed a lot.

Ten years ago, we lived in government-owned apartments.

Now, we live in private-owned apartments.

Ten years ago, we could buy an apartment at 10 thousand yuan.

This year, I bought an apartment at nearly 1 million yuan.

Ten years ago, the apartment had two large bedrooms and 1 small guestroom (living room).

Now, the apartment had two or three small bedrooms and 1 large guestroom (living room).

Ten years ago, we call our apartment buildings by dormitory of enterprise (DanWei SuShe).

Now, we call our apartment buildings by community.

Transport changed a lot.

Ten years ago, my train travel was free of charge. A sleeper to anywhere cost me only 2 yuan.

Now, no free train travel service.

Ten years ago, train travel reminded us of Green cheap train and crowded carriage.

Now, train travel reminds us of the risk of safety and high speed.

Ten years ago, we have to choose train for long trip.

Now, we have three choices: Car, Train, or Flight.

Ten years ago, few of us owned a car.

Now, many of us have cars.

Ten years ago, I used to get sth by ordinary letters.

Now, I used to get sth by express and Email.

From Chinese Internet user named 468259058