China / Government

Hu's speech at Fifth Ministerial Conference of FOCAC

(Xinhua) Updated: 2012-07-19 15:48

BEIJING - Chinese President Hu Jintao on Thursday delivered a speech at the opening ceremony of the Fifth Ministerial Conference of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation entitled as "Open Up New Prospects for A New Type of China-Africa Strategic Partnership".

The following is the full text of Hu's speech:

Open Up New Prospects for A New Type of China-Africa Strategic Partnership

Speech by H.E. Hu Jintao

President of the People's Republic of China

At the Opening Ceremony of the Fifth Ministerial Conference of The Forum on China-Africa Cooperation

Beijing, 19 July 2012

Dear Colleagues,

Distinguished Guests,

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Dear Friends,

I am delighted to meet you at the opening of the Fifth Ministerial Conference of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) in Beijing, as we are gathered here both to renew the friendship between the Chinese and African peoples and discuss ways to boost China-Africa friendship and all-round cooperation. On behalf of the Chinese government and people and in my own name, I wish to extend a very warm welcome to all the distinguished guests coming from afar. I also wish to take this opportunity to convey through you the cordial greetings and best wishes of the Chinese people to the brotherly African people!

In October 2000, FOCAC was set up in response to the call of the times. This initiative demonstrates the shared desire of the Chinese and African people to seek peace, cooperation and development in a changing world. In the past 12 years since its founding, the FOCAC member states, maintaining unity and working together, have made important progress in strengthening this mechanism of cooperation. The theme of the current Ministerial Conference is "build on past achievements and open up new prospects for the new type of China-Africa strategic partnership." China and Africa should, with both current and long-term needs in mind, redouble efforts to draw up a blueprint for promoting our cooperation in the next stage and lay a solid foundation for making new and greater progress in growing China-Africa relations in the years ahead.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

When we met here six years ago at the FOCAC Beijing Summit, China and Africa decided to establish a new type of strategic partnership. Since then, important progress has been made in realizing this vision thanks to the joint efforts of both sides. China and Africa have enhanced all-round friendly political relations featuring mutual respect and mutual trust. We have conducted more frequent high-level exchange of visits and more in-depth dialogue and exchanges, and provided stronger support to each other. China's relations with all African countries, the African Union (AU) and other regional organizations have grown in strength. China has formed strategic partnerships and launched strategic dialogue mechanisms with many African countries. And China has supported African countries in independently resolving hotspot issues in the region and advancing the process of African integration. China and Africa have deepened practical economic cooperation featuring mutual benefit. We have joined hands to fight the international financial crisis, effectively implemented the eight measures for practical cooperation announced at the Beijing Summit and eight additional measures announced at the Fourth Ministerial Conference, and made steady progress in building a framework of all-round cooperation. China's trade with and investment in Africa have been expanding. In 2011, our two-way trade reached 166.3 billion U.S. dollars, three times the figure in 2006. Cumulative Chinese direct investment in Africa has exceeded 15 billion U.S. dollars, with investment projects covering 50 countries. The AU Conference Center and Office Complex built by China was handed over to the African side. China's assistance to Africa has been growing steadily. China has built over 100 schools, 30 hospitals, 30 anti-malaria centers and 20 agricultural technology demonstration centers in Africa. It has met the pledge of providing 15 billion U.S. dollars of lending of a preferential nature to Africa. China and Africa have conducted increasing people-to-people and cultural exchanges featuring mutual learning. A number of activities have been carried out, including the Chinese/African Cultures in Focus, Joint Research and Exchange Plan, Think Tanks Forum, People's Forum and Young Leaders Forum. China has trained close to 40,000 African personnel in various sectors and provided over 20,000 government scholarships to African countries. China and Africa have set up 29 Confucius Institutes or Classrooms in 22 African countries. Twenty pairs of leading Chinese and African universities have entered into cooperation under the 20+20 Cooperation Plan for Chinese and African Institutions of Higher Education. China and African have enjoyed closer ties of solidarity and coordination featuring mutual help and mutual support in international affairs. Our two sides have worked closely on UN reform, countering climate change, sustainable development, WTO Doha Round negotiations and other major issues. In so doing, we have upheld the common interests of developing countries, promoted democracy in international relations, and we are working to make the international order more just and equitable.

Facts have shown that the new type of China-Africa strategic partnership is the result of continuous growth of the traditional friendship between the two sides. It meets the fundamental interests of China and Africa and conforms to the global trend of peace, development and cooperation. The forging of this partnership has inaugurated a new historical process in growing China-Africa relations and added new momentum to China-Africa exchanges and cooperation. I am confident that, with our joint efforts, the new type of China-Africa strategic partnership will embrace an even brighter future.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Tremendous changes have taken place in the world since we met here six years ago. Peace, development and cooperation remain the trend of our times. On the other hand, uncertainties and destabilizing factors in international developments have notably increased. The impact of the international financial crisis is still with us. Regional and international hotspot issues keep emerging. The unjust and inequitable international political and economic order still affects and hinders world peace and development. Developing countries have maintained strong momentum of growth, but they are also confronted with many difficulties and challenges.

In recent years, the African countries and people, working with perseverance and vision, have made remarkable achievements in promoting Africa's peace and development. But Africa still faces major challenges in its development endeavor. The international community should continue to give high priority to enhancing peace and development in Africa and increase input in this area. It should respect Africa's wish, listen to its views, address its concerns and help it meet the Millennium Development Goals at an early date.

China is the world's largest developing country, and Africa is home to the largest number of developing countries in the world. China and Africa, together with over one third of the world's population, are an important force for advancing world peace and development. China and Africa share a common destiny, and China-Africa friendship is cherished by the Chinese and African peoples. The Chinese and African peoples have always treated each other as equals and with sincerity and friendship, extended mutual support and pursued common development. No matter how the international landscape may change, China will remain unchanged in its commitment to supporting Africa's peace, stability, development and unity. We will give genuine support to African countries' independent choice of development paths and genuinely help African countries strengthen capacity for self development. We will continue to stand firm with the African people and forever be a good friend, good partner and good brother of the African people.

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