China / Government

Hu proposes measures to boost China-Africa ties

(Xinhua) Updated: 2012-07-19 13:27

BEIJING - Chinese President Hu Jintao on Thursday proposed measures in five priority areas to boost the China-Africa ties.

"In the next three years, the Chinese government will take measures in the following five priority areas to support the cause of peace and development in Africa and boost a new type of China-Africa strategic partnership," said Hu when addressing the opening ceremony of the Fifth Ministerial Conference of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation.    

First, the Chinese side will expand cooperation in investment and financing to support sustainable development in Africa. China will provide $20 billion of credit line to African countries to assist them in developing infrastructure, agriculture, manufacturing, and small and medium-sized enterprises.    

Second, the Chinese side will continue to increase assistance to Africa to bring the benefits of development to the African people. China will build more agricultural technology demonstration centers as necessary to help African countries increase production capacity. China will implement the "African Talents Program" to train 30,000 personnel in various sectors for Africa, offer 18,000 government scholarships, and build cultural and vocational skills training facilities in African countries. China will deepen medical and health cooperation with Africa, send 1,500 medical personnel to Africa, and continue to carry out the "Brightness Action" activities in Africa to provide free treatment for cataract patients. China will help African countries enhance capacity building in meteorological infrastructure and forest protection and management. China will continue to carry out well-drilling and water supply projects in Africa to provide safe drinking water for the African people.    

Third, the Chinese side will support the African integration process and help Africa enhance capacity for overall development. China will establish a partnership with Africa on transnational and trans-regional infrastructure development, support related project planning and feasibility studies and encourage established Chinese companies and financial institutions to take part in transnational and trans-regional infrastructural development in Africa. China will help African countries upgrade customs and commodity inspection facilities to promote intra-regional trade facilities.    

Fourth, the Chinese side will enhance people-to-people friendship to lay a solid foundation of public support for enhancing China-Africa common development. China proposes to carry out "China-Africa people-to-people friendship action" to support and promote exchanges and cooperation between people's organizations, women and youth of the two sides. China proposes to set up a "China-Africa Press Exchange Center" in China to encourage exchanges and visits between Chinese and African media, and China supports exchange of correspondents by media organizations of the two sides. China will continue to implement the China-Africa Joint Research and Exchange Plan to sponsor 100 programs for research, exchange and cooperation by academic institutions and scholars of the two sides. 

Fifth, we should promote peace and stability in Africa and create a secure environment for Africa's development. China will launch the "Initiative on China-Africa Cooperative Partnership for Peace and Security", deepen cooperation with the AU and African countries in peace and security in Africa, provide financial support for the AU peace-keeping missions in Africa and the development for the African Standby Force, and train more officials in peace and security affairs and peace-keepers for the AU.

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