II. Seeing new results in giving impetus to implementing the central leadership's major decisions and arrangements
To ensure sound economic and social development this year, the Party Central Committee has made it clear that we need to have basic continuity in macroeconomic policy, maintain steady and robust economic development, keep overall price levels basically stable, ensure social stability, and continue to seize and make good use of the important period of strategic opportunities for China's development to make progress in transforming the pattern of economic development, make new breakthroughs in deepening reform and opening up, and achieve new results in improving the people's wellbeing. The Standing Committee will further strengthen and improve its oversight work and give impetus to implementing the central leadership's major decisions and arrangements.
First, we will listen to and deliberate the reports of the State Council on adjusting national income distribution, reform and development of state-owned enterprises, performance of the mechanism for ensuring basic funding for county-level governments, development of irrigation and water conservancy, land administration, and exploitation, use, and preservation of mineral resources. We will also inspect enforcement of the Agriculture Law, and urge relevant parties to make progress in transforming the pattern of economic development and carrying out restructuring.
Second, we will listen to and deliberate the State Council's reports on ensuring safe drinking water and providing social aid, inspect enforcement of the Law on the Protection of Disabled Persons, and urge relevant parties to intensify efforts to ensure and improve the people's wellbeing.
Third, we will listen to and deliberate the State Council's report on deepening the reform of the cultural system and promoting the great development and flourishing of socialist culture, inspect enforcement of the Law on the Protection of Cultural Relics, and give impetus to implementing the guiding principles of the Sixth Plenary Session of the Seventeenth Party Central Committee.
Fourth, we will listen to and deliberate reports on the implementation of China's annual plan and budgets and on the central government's final accounts and auditing work, examine and approve the 2011 final accounts of the central government, give impetus to implementing the central leadership's macro-control policies, and promote steady and robust economic development.
Fifth, we will listen to and deliberate the State Council's reports on administration of the entry, exit, residence, and employment of foreigners; enforcement of the Prison Law and prison work; and enforcement of the Anti-Drug Law and anti-drug work, and give impetus to innovation in social administration.
Sixth, we will listen to and deliberate the Supreme People's Court's report on intellectual property rights adjudication and the Supreme People's Procuratorate's report on the handling of civil and administrative cases, and give impetus to a just and clean judicial system. We will make inquiries on such topics as reform and development of state-owned enterprises, development of irrigation and water conservancy, and ensuring safe drinking water, and conduct topic-specific investigations and studies on issues related to accelerating the transformation of the pattern of economic development, strengthening environmental protection, and promoting urban community development, in order to make our oversight of these areas more effective.
To perform our oversight work well this year, we will focus on the following areas:
First, we will strengthen overall planning and coordination for oversight tasks and organize and arrange the work carefully to make sure goals are met, there are sufficient personnel to do the tasks, and deadlines are met.
Second, we will strengthen investigations and studies, better solicit opinions from a wide range of sources, especially ordinary people, analyze issues from an overall and long-term perspective, and provide practical and pertinent comments and suggestions on that basis.
Third, we will strengthen communication with the State Council, the Supreme People's Court, and the Supreme People's Procuratorate, and exchange views with them in various forms in a timely fashion in order to improve the quality of report drafting and deliberation. We will also urge relevant parties to carefully study and act on suggestions made in the course of the Standing Committee's deliberations.
Wu Ying, iPad, Jeremy Lin, Valentine's Day, Real Name, Whitney Houston, Syria,Iranian issue, Sanyan tourism, Giving birth in Hong Kong, Cadmium spill, housing policy