Manmade bear bile waits approval for market

Updated: 2012-02-21 13:14


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Vice Director Jiang Qi of Shenyang Hua Xing Medical Research Institution, a leader in a manmade bear-bile project, told a reporter from Economic Information Daily that the project has been completed after 25 years and is waiting approval from the Center for Drug Evaluation. After the official approval, manmade bear-bile will be batch-produced and sold to market.

Jiang Qi also spoke at a forum on Feb 8, 2012, of the Beijing Loving Animal Foundation, where he said the research and clinical tests over 25 years made it possible for manmade bear-bile to replace natural bile. Manmade bear bile was patented on May 17, 2006.

Some experts said if manmade bear bile is approved, sales of natural bear-bile products like Gui Zhen Tang’s would be affected.