Global Attention
Despite best intentions, US still has food scares
2011-03-11 08:43:26
To this day, the concern over the safety of what we eat has not abated - and for good reason. As many visitors to the United States have observed time and again, Americans love to eat. And we naturally want to be able to pursue our passion without fear of death, or at least of a really bad case of dyspepsia.
Will China's rise lead to war? 2011-03-10 14:40:10China's rise will be peaceful if the US can make some policy adjustments, said Charles Glaser in the latest Foreign Affairs Bimonthly.
Chongqing leads the way in affordable housing 2011-03-10 08:16:00The average property price in December in Beijing reached 26,599 yuan per square meter, according to figures released by the Beijing municipal commission of housing and urban-rural development.
Public supervision a cure for corruption 2011-03-09 07:38:22It is a cancer that slowly spreads, corruption is, eating away at the foundation of society, feeding anger and eroding political legitimacy.
More value-added Chinese exports expected 2011-03-08 08:14:46China's exports will shift from a goods-driven to a value-added model in the coming years, European analysts have said.
US: Sky's the limit for China’s rich 2010-12-10 15:17:03The super-wealthy in China are no longer satisfied with a roadster or playing golf. Desirous of more entertainment and convenient transport, multi-millionaires now look at private jets as their new toys, according to an article on CNN website on Dec 5.
Britain: Central region: China's new core rises 2010-08-11 14:46:42China's modern industries are moving from the coastal region to inland now.
Singaporea: China must change to be on top 2011-02-18 15:38:16China officially replaced Japan as the world's second-largest economy this week, and is expected to leapfrog the United States in 2020 to become the world leader. However, "how it got to No.2 will be very different from the path it must take to become No 1," suggests a column in the Singaporean newspaper the Strait Times.
India: 'Egg house' reflects housing pressure on Chinese youths 2010-12-08 15:18:22