Temple of Heaven to host New Year's Eve countdown

Updated: 2011-12-31 09:14


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BEIJING - The Temple of Heaven, the temple where ancient emperors prayed for harvest, will hold a modern light show on New Year's Eve and thousands are expected to join the countdown event.

Final preparations are underway and new platforms, lights and LED screens have been set up for Saturday's countdown celebration which will start at 11 pm, Sun Weijia, deputy director of the Beijing Municipal Commission of Tourism Development (BTD), said Friday.

LED lights will form a giant clock for the countdown, which is expected to kick off at 6 pm, Sun said.

Thousands of people, including tourists, students and some special guests are expected to join the celebration, he said.

Those unable to attend the show can tune in to the countdown's live TV broadcast.

The Temple of Heaven is a complex of Taoist buildings in southeast downtown Beijing. Constructed in the 15th century, the complex was visited by emperors of the Ming and Qing dynasties for good harvest prayer ceremonies offered to heaven.

Temple of Heaven to host New Year's Eve countdown 

The Temple of Heaven is getting ready for the New Year's Eve countdown show, which is scheduled at 11 pm Saturday night. [Photo/Xinhua]