Government and Policy

Official urges to expand cross-Strait trade

Updated: 2010-05-14 20:44
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BEIJING - China's top political advisor, Jia Qinglin, Friday called on the Chinese mainland and Taiwan to work together to deepen economic exchanges and cooperation.

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Jia, chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), made the remarks when he met with representatives of the Association of Taiwan Investment Enterprises on the Mainland (ATIEM).

Improved ties across the Taiwan Strait had created favorable conditions for Taiwan companies' development on the mainland, he said.

People from both sides should cherish the hard-won situation to expand cooperation and improve cooperation to enhance competitiveness across the Strait, he said.

Jia also expressed appreciation for the donations and assistance offered by the ATIEM members to disaster-hit areas in both the mainland and Taiwan, such as the May 12 earthquake in southwest Sichuan Province in 2008.