CHINA> National
Children from quake-hit area are on rehab in Russia
Updated: 2009-08-08 19:48

VLADIVOSTOK, Russia: Five hundred and fifty Chinese students traumatized by last year's powerful earthquake in southwest China sang and danced on Friday during a China Day celebration at a children's care center.

The festivities featured red lanterns, Chinese knots, and traditional ornaments such as firecrackers and pandas. In addition, two giant dragons floated above the music hall at the "Ocean" All-Russia Children's care center, creating an atmosphere similar to that of the Spring Festival in China.

An evening gala boasted a series of extraordinary performances by the children, including Tang Dynasty-style dances and Qiang ethnic folk dances and songs. The children also demonstrated traditional Chinese musical instruments, martial arts and Beijing Opera.

The Russian children also enjoyed the 90-minute show. Many of them waved their arms and clapped to the rhythm of the music on stage.

The magnitude-8 earthquake struck Sichuan and the neighboring provinces of Shanxi and Gansu on May 12, 2008, leaving more than 87,000 people dead or missing and more than 370,000 injured.

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Yu Guojia, a teacher who accompanied the children to Russia, was in charge of the show. She told Xinhua that the children were quite versatile and rehearsed all of the programs at their leisure and during extracurricular time at the center.

The show, Yu said, was aimed at displaying the traditional culture of China and the upbeat Chinese youngsters themselves.

Yang Yingxia and Ma Ding, two Shanxi girls who performed Tang Dynasty-style dances, told Xinhua they were thrilled to be on stage and hoped they could show their Russian friends the real China.

Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, during a visit to China last year, invited students from quake-hit areas to participate in rehabilitation programs in his country. A total of 1,570 Chinese children were to take part in the programs.

During the three-week program that was to end this week, the children participated in various kinds of courses and events, including Russian language lessons, interest development groups and sports.