CHINA> Regulations
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Convention Relating to International Exhibitions
Updated: 2009-04-14 18:45 ARTICLE 13 The Government of any country participating in an exhibition shall appoint a Section Commissioner-General in the case of a registered exhibition or a Section Commissioner in the case of a recognized exhibition to represent it with the inviting Government. The Section Commissioner-General or the Section Commissioner shall have sole responsibility for the organisation of his country抯exhibit. He shall inform the Commissioner-General of the Exhibition or the Commissioner of the Exhibition of the content of this exhibit and shall see that the rights and obligations of exhibitors are respected. ARTICLE 14 (abrogated) ARTICLE 15 (abrogated) ARTICLE 16 The Customs regulations for international exhibitions shall be those set out in the Annex, which forms an integral part of this Convention. ARTICLE 17 At an exhibition only the sections constituted under the authority of Commissioners-General or Commissioners appointed in accordance with Article 13 by the Governments of the participating countries shall be considered as national and consequently be entitled to bear this name. A national section comprises all the exhibitors of the country in question but not the concession-holders. ARTICLE 18 1. At an exhibition a participant or a group of participants may use a geographical title relating to a participating Party only with the authorisation of the Section Commissioner-General or the Section Commissioner of the Government of the Party concerned. 2. If a Contracting Party is not participating in an exhibition, the Commissioner-General or the Commissioner of the exhibition shall prohibit such usage as envisaged in the preceding paragraph, on behalf of the Contracting Party. ARTICLE 19 1. Anything exhibited in a national section must have a close connection with the country exhibiting it (for example, articles having their origin in the territory of the participating Government, or articles created by nationals of the country). 2. With the authorisation of the Commissioners-General or Commissioners of the other States concerned, other articles or products may be presented provided they serve only to complete the exhibit. 3. In case of dispute between participating Governments concerning paragraphs 1 and 2 above, the matter shall be referred to the college of Section Commissioners-General or Commissioners who shall decide by a simple majority of those present. Their decision is final. ARTICLE 20 1. Unless there are provisions to the contrary in the laws of the organising country, no monopoly of any kind shall be granted at an exhibition. However, a monopoly for a common service may be authorised by the Bureau at the time of registration or recognition. In that case the following conditions shall be observed by the organisers: a) the existence of such monopoly or monopolies shall be indicated in the regulations of the exhibition and in the participation contract b) the services subject to monopoly shall be made available to exhibitors under the conditions normally existing in the State ; c) the powers of the Commissioners-General or Commissioners in their respective sections shall not in any case be subjected to any limitation. 2. The Commissioner-General or Commissioner of the exhibition shall take all steps to ensure that the charges made to participating Governments are not higher than those made to the organisers of the exhibition or in any case than the normal local charges. ARTICLE 21 The Commissioner-General or Commissioner of the Exhibition shall do everything in his power to ensure the proper and efficient functioning of the public utility services inside the exhibition area. ARTICLE 22 The inviting Government shall make every effort to facilitate the participation of Governments and of their nationals, especially as regards transport charges and conditions of admission of persons and things. ARTICLE 23 1. The general regulations of an exhibition shall state whether or not prizes are to be awarded to the participants irrespective of the certificates of participation which may always be granted. If prizes are to be given their allocation may be limited to certain categories. 2. If participants do not wish to compete for prizes they shall make a declaration to this effect before the opening of the exhibition. ARTICLE 24 The International Exhibitions Bureau as defined in the following Article, shall draw up regulations to determine the general conditions for the composition and functioning of juries and to decide how prizes shall be awarded. Institutional Arrangements ARTICLE 25 1. The International Exhibitions Bureau was established to supervise and ensure the application of this Convention. Its members shall be the Governments of the Contracting Parties. The headquarters of the Bureau shall be in Paris. 2. The Bureau shall have legal personality. In particular, it shall have the capacity to contract, acquire and dispose of movable and immovable property and to participate in legal proceedings. 3. The Bureau shall be entitled to conclude with States and International Organisations agreements relating to such Privileges and Immunities as are necessary for the exercise of the functions entrusted to it by this Convention. 4. The Bureau shall comprise a General Assembly, a President, an Executive Committee, specialised committees, as many Vice-Presidents as there are committees and a Secretariat under the authority of a Secretary-General. ARTICLE 26 The General Assembly of the Bureau shall be composed of delegates appointed by the Contracting Parties on the scale of from one to three delegates per country. ARTICLE 27 The General Assembly shall hold regular meetings and may also hold extraordinary meetings. It shall decide all questions which under this Convention come within the competence of the Bureau of which it is the highest authority. In particular the General Assembly shall : a) discuss, adopt and publish regulations relating to the registration or recognition, classification and organisation of international exhibitions, and to the proper functioning of the Bureau. Within the limits of the provisions of this Convention the General Assembly may lay down compulsory regulations to be observed by the organisers of exhibitions who wish to enjoy the advantages of registration by the Bureau and also model regulations to serve as a guide to such organisers ; b) draw up the budget, check and approve the Bureau抯accounts ; c) approve the reports of the Secretary General ; d) establish committees as necessary, and appoint members of the Executive Committee and of the other committees ; e) approve any international agreements entered into in accordance with Article 25 (3) hereof; f) adopt draft amendments in accordance with Article 33 ; g) appoint the Secretary General. |