CHINA> Regulations
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Convention Relating to International Exhibitions
Updated: 2009-04-14 18:45 ARTICLE 4 A) International exhibitions presenting the following features shall be eligible for recognition by the International Exhibitions Bureau : 1. their duration may not be less than three weeks nor more than three months ; 2. they must illustrate a definite theme ; 3. their total surface area must not exceed 25 ha ; 4. they must allocate to the participating States premises constructed by the organiser, free of all rents, charges, taxes and expenses other than those representing services rendered ; the largest space allocated to a State must not exceed 1.000 m2. The International Exhibitions Bureau may however authorise a derogation from the requirement that premises be allocated free of charge if the economic and financial situation of the organising State justifies it ; 5. only one recognised exhibition, pursuant to this paragraph A, may be held between two registered exhibitions ; 6. only one registered exhibition or exhibition recognised pursuant to this paragraph A, may be held in the same year. B) The International Exhibitions Bureau may also grant recognition to : 1. the Milan Triennale Exhibition of Decorative Arts and Modern Architecture, on grounds of historical precedence, provided that it retains its original features ; 2. A1 horticultural exhibitions approved by the International Association of Horticultural Producers, provided that there is an interval of at least two years between such exhibitions in different countries and at least ten years between events held in the same country ; due to be held in the interval between two registered exhibitions. ARTICLE 5 The opening and closing dates of an exhibition and its general features shall be laid down at the time of registration or recognition and may be changed only with the agreement of the B.I.E. Registration ARTICLE 6 1. The Government of a Contracting Party in whose territory an exhibition coming within the scope of the Convention is planned (hereinafter referred to as the inviting Government) shall send to the Bureau an application for registration or recognition indicating the laws, regulations or financial measures it proposes to make for the exhibition. The Government of a non-contracting State wishing to obtain registration or recognition of an exhibition may apply to the Bureau in the same way provided that it undertakes to comply with the provisions of the Convention set out in Parts I, II, III and IV and the regulations made for their implementation. 2. The application for registration or recognition shall be made by the Government responsible for the international relations of the place in which the exhibition is planned to be held (hereinafter referred to as the inviting Government) even if this Government is not the organiser of the exhibition. 3. The Bureau shall in its compulsory regulations determine the maximum period for which a date for an exhibition may be reserved and the minimum period for receipt of an application for registration or recognition; it shall also specify the documents which must accompany such an application. It shall also fix by compulsory regulation the amount of the contribution to be paid for the costs of examination of the application. 4. Registration or recognition shall be granted only if the exhibition fulfils the conditions of this Convention and of the regulations laid down by the Bureau. ARTICLE 7 1. When two or more countries compete for the registration or recognition of an exhibition and cannot reach agreement they shall ask the General Assembly of the Bureau to arbitrate. In arriving at its decision the General Assembly shall take into account the considerations put forward and, in particular, any special reasons of an historical or ethical nature, the period which has elapsed since the last exhibition, and the number of displays already organised by the competing countries. 2. Except in exceptional circumstances the Bureau shall give preference to an exhibition organised in the territory of a Contracting Party. ARTICLE 8 A State which has been granted the registration or recognition of an exhibition shall lose all rights arising from the registration or recognition if it changes the date reserved for the exhibition except in the circumstances provided for in paragraph 2 of Article 5. If it wishes to organise the exhibition at another date, the Government concerned shall make a fresh application, and if necessary, submit to the procedure laid down in Article 7 for resolving competing claims. ARTICLE 9 1. In the case of any exhibition which has not been registered or recognized, Contracting Parties shall refuse their participation and their patronage as well as any Government subsidy. 2. Contracting Parties are quite free not to take part in an exhibition which has been registered or recognised. 3. Each Contracting Government shall use whatever means it considers most appropriate under its own legislation to act against the organisers of false exhibitions or exhibitions to which participants might be fraudulently attracted by false promises, notices or advertisements. Obligations of Organisers of Registered Exhibitions and of Participating States ARTICLE 10 1. The inviting Government shall ensure that the provisions of this Convention and of the regulations made for its implementation are observed. 2. If the said Government does not itself organise the exhibition it shall officially recognise the organisers for this purpose and it shall guarantee the fulfilment of the obligations of the organisers. ARTICLE 11 1. All invitations to participate in an exhibition, whether they are addressed to member States or to non-member States, shall be sent through diplomatic channels by the Government of the organising country to the Government of the country invited for that country and for the other parties in that country to be invited. The replies shall be forwarded to the inviting Government by the same channel, as well as any requests by non-invited parties to participate. The invitations shall observe the intervals prescribed by the Bureau and shall state that the exhibition in question has been registered. Invitations to international organisations shall be sent to them direct. 2. No Contracting Party may organise or sponsor participation in an international exhibition if the above-mentioned invitations have not been sent in accordance with the provisions of this Convention. 3. Contracting Parties undertake neither to address nor accept any invitation to participate in an exhibition, whether on the territory of a Contracting Party, or of a non-member State, in case where such invitation does not cite a registration or recognition approved according to the provision of this Convention. 4. Any Contracting Party may require the organisers not to send invitations to addressees in its territory other than itself. It may also refrain from forwarding invitations or requests to participate from parties who have not been invited. ARTICLE 12 The inviting Government shall appoint a Commissioner-General of the Exhibition in the case of a registered exhibition or a Commissioner of the Exhibition in the case of a recognized exhibition who shall be authorised to represent the Government for all purposes in connection with the Convention and in all matters concerning the exhibition. |