Business / Photo Gallery

Hangzhou silk smoothes G20 Summit

[2016-09-05 13:48]

Hangzhou silk has not only found its way onto the beddings and pajamas in the hotel hosting the G20 guests, but also on the summit's meeting table. Menus, name cards, table tablet stands and invitations were all made of silk.

Villages built on filial piety

[2016-09-05 09:50]

For Dipu and the neighboring Huanxi village, family ties take preference over all things.

Old tale inspires modern marriage market

[2016-09-05 09:16]

Parents flock to site where legendary lovers are believed to have studied to find partners for their children.

Delving into the history of fans and umbrellas

[2016-09-05 07:53]

A recent visit to the China Fans Museum and the China Umbrellas Museum ignited a spark in me about the nature of these two traditional hand-held items. Fans are to keep one cool and umbrellas to prevent one from getting wet.

Botanical garden - a colorful treat

[2016-09-05 08:42]

I keep running into Richard Nixon in the most surprising places.

Bringing Shakespeare from page to stage

[2016-09-05 07:40]

Teacher gives students unique hands-on experience with Bard's works.

G20 Summit to help Egypt attract more investments

[2016-09-05 16:29]

Egyptian economists and businessmen stressed on Sunday that the G20 Summit being held in Hangzhou will help Egypt attract more investments to revive its ailing economy.

Jack Ma attends B20 summit in Hangzhou

[2016-09-03 18:47]

Chinese tech tycoon Jack Ma Yun (back, right) and foreign guests take photos at the opening ceremony of Business 20 (B20) summit in Hangzhou, Zhejiang province, September 3, 2016.

Volunteers help visitors cross language barrier

[2016-09-03 07:08]

Inside an office at Hangzhou's Zhejiang University, Anchik Tyu, an Uzbek national who is in the final year of his doctoral work, was making a call on his mobile phone.

Aquatic bounty of Hangzhou

[2016-09-02 07:59]

Award-winning cuisine shines on the edge of West Lake. Mike Peters reports.

Small diner a hotspot for fare

[2016-09-02 08:11]

Gaoyin Jie is reputed to be Hangzhou's most popular restaurant street. The long and brightly lit stretch of restaurants beckons to visitors like a gaudy line of casinos, offering local favorite dishes like Dongpo pork, named for a Song Dynasty (960-1279) poet, and a dozen dishes featuring tender bamboo shoots.

Change of setting yielded Shanghai Communique

[2016-09-01 11:07]

Though the tranquil city Hangzhou may not be as internationally well-known as Beijing or Shanghai, it has played a vital role, on many occasions, in forging China's diplomatic landscape.

Former US envoy was longtime resident of city

[2016-09-01 10:37]

John Leighton Stuart, former US ambassador to China was born in Hangzhou and spent 14 years of his life there.

G20 themed art welcomes the summit

[2016-09-01 11:39]

To embrace the upcoming G20 summit, artists are coming up with excellent ideas to express their best wishes for the summit and welcome guests from around the world. Let's take a look at some G20 themed art pieces.

Who are attending Hangzhou G20?

[2016-09-01 06:45]

The 11th G20 Summit will be held in Hangzhou, Zhejiang on September 4 and 5. The following leaders from G20 members, guest countries and international organizations will attend the summit at the invitation of President Xi Jinping.

Students learn about G20 countries in Zhejiang province

[2016-08-31 14:01]

Students point at flags of G20 countries at a library in Linan city, Zhejiang province.

Hangzhou noted for various bridges

[2016-08-29 13:01]

Hangzhou, host city of 11th G20 summit, noted for various bridges.

Artist creates clay sculptures of G20 leaders

[2016-08-28 17:07]

World Peace Dream, a collection of clay sculptures of G20 leaders, was created by Wu Xiaoli, an inheritor of China's intangible cultural heritage, to celebrate the upcoming G20 Hangzhou summit.

Commemorative stamps issued for G20 Hangzhou summit

[2016-08-28 07:12]

A woman shows commemorative stamps marking the upcoming G20 Hangzhou Summit at a philatelic shop in Nanjing, capital of East China's Jiangsu province, Aug 27, 2016.

Designers interpret connotation of logo of G20 Hangzhou summit

[2016-08-27 15:33]

Featuring the image of a bridge, supplemented with the imprint of a traditional Chinese seal, the upcoming G20 summit's logo was designed by Yuan Youmin, Fang Hongzhang and Sui Huanchen.

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