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Lijiang is among the top 8 most attractive towns in China

Updated: 2011-05-10 10:29


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Ancient town Lijiang, Heaven on the earth

Location: Lijiang County, northwest of Yunnan Province

Attractions: The primitive simplicity and natural beauty as well as the Dongba culture will make you enjoy yourself so much, you will never want to go home.

Lijiang is among the top 8 most attractive towns in China

The other seven attractive towns in China are: Burqin of Baihaba county that tucked away in the valley plains of Altai mountain; Dunhuang, capital of Oriental Arts, which sits in the west part of the Hexi Corridor; Pingyao, A taste of ancient China, which was found in the middle of Shanxi Province; Jiuzhaigou located in Aba Tibetan Qiang autonomous prefecture in Sichuan province; ancient Fenghuang town located on the bank of Tuo River in the west part of Hunan; Shuimowuyuan, an ideal world located in the northeast of Jiangxi province; and Wuzhen, in the north of Tongxiang city, Zhejiang province.