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Mainland purchase from Taiwan exceeds $10b
Updated: 2009-09-16 18:00

The Chinese mainland's purchasing groups to Taiwan have notched up deals worth more than $10 billion since the mainland pledged in mid-May it would encourage companies to buy more of the island's products, a mainland official said Wednesday.

Three major mainland buying delegations to Taiwan have signed deals worth $5.5 billion since the end of May, State Council Taiwan Affairs Office spokesman Yang Yi said at a press conference.

The delegations, organized by the Mainland Association for Cross-Strait Economic and Trade Exchanges, included more than 300 representatives of over 160 companies, including IT and home appliance giants Lenovo and TCL, and SinoSteel Corporation, according to Yang.

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The deals involve products ranging from agricultural and chemical products to computer and mobile phone equipment.

The mainland announced in mid-May it would encourage companies to buy more Taiwan products as a move to enhance cooperation between companies across the Taiwan Strait amid the economic downturn.

Yang said mainland buying groups were well received by their Taiwan counterparts. They played a positive role in promoting cross-Strait economic exchanges and cooperation.

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