REGIONAL> Major News
First cross-strait normal ship route opens
By Hu Meidong and Liu Xintian (China Daily Fujian Bureau)
Updated: 2009-08-20 17:16

The first normal ship route across the strait between Xiamen and Taichung, with passenger-cargo ship “COSCO Star” taking the maiden voyage, will open September 6.

The opening of the first normal ship route between Xiamen and Taiwan is a new highlight in Xiamen’s first test, Liu Cigui, Xiamen mayor, said when inspecting the preparatory work of “COSCO Star” on August 16.

“COSCO Star” is now docked in the “Crossing the Strait Cruise Center”. The ship has reportedly passed examination and approval in the mainland, and has applied to the Taiwan transportation department for traffic rights. All facilities in the ship have been equipped as well.

The realization of “COSCO Star” travelling to Taiwan is a breakthrough in cross-strait shipping and will help Xiamen implement their“Proposal for Favoring Fujian to Speed up its West Taiwan Strait Economic Zone”. The ship is the first luxurious passenger vessel to use Xiamen Port as its home port, which will gather experience for more ships’ sailing in the future, Liu added.

“COSCO Star” is the fruit of cooperation between Xiamen and Cosco Group, according to Liu, who hopes related departments will give more preferential policies to support transport enterprises and help these enterprises develop better.