BIZCHINA> Review & Analysis
Entrepreneurs can't be trained in class
(China Daily)
Updated: 2009-08-21 15:18

Can people be trained in classrooms to become entrepreneurs? The Jiangsu provincial government thinks so, especially when it comes to training heirs of rich businesspeople but many people doubt it, says an article in Jinghua Times.


People have believed that entrepreneurs emerge out of market competitions rather than classrooms. But the Jiangsu provincial government is trying to challenge this belief.

The government feels entrepreneurs can be trained in classrooms to solve the problem of lack of qualified successors to China's first-generation entrepreneurs.

It plans to impart modern business management skills and knowledge to 1,000 business talents in two years to help them lead the next round of development of the private economy.

But many people are not convinced, criticizing the plan for three reasons.

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First, they say, the government should not overstep its duties by training private business talents. The government should only lay out proper laws and regulations for the growth of the private economy and, at best, could issue some preferential policies to stimulate its development.

Second, since the training program and process must be complicated and expenditure huge, given that a large number of people would be trained, where will all the money come from, how will the entire program be run and the training fees collected, and how will results of the training courses be evaluated.

Third, can entrepreneurs really be trained in classrooms or shaped through internship?

It is really difficult to say how and what management skills will trainees in Jiangsu province learn in the classroom.

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