Business / US trade

China, US agree on major trade measures

[2012-12-21 01:16]

Chinese and US officials agreed on a number of measures, including export controls and investment, during trade talks in Washington.

Locke upbeat about continuity in Sino-US relations

[2012-12-20 10:11]

The US ambassador to China insisted that despite the recent leadership transitions, there will be continuity in Sino-US relations.

Fiscal cliff looms large over trade talks

[2012-12-19 02:49]

Trade disputes and the US fiscal cliff are expected to top the agenda in the upcoming high-level talks between Chinese and US officials.
Co-op best way to resolve Sino-US differences

Agenda set for Sino-US economic, trade meeting

[2012-12-13 13:36]

China hopes the United States will respond positively to the concerns of the Chinese side at 23rd meeting of the China-US Joint Commission on Commerce and Trade.

Vice-premier to co-chair China-US trade talks

[2012-12-12 17:39]

Chinese Vice-Premier Wang Qishan will co-chair the 23rd China-US Joint Commission on Commerce and Trade in Washington from Dec 18 to 19.

Economists anticipate less Sino-US trade friction

[2012-11-29 11:11]

Two American economists expressed their belief that the Chinese and US economies are set to coexist more effectively.

US to keep playing trade war with China

[2012-11-24 15:38]

If Obama wants to run his new term smoothly and successfully, he needs to create new job opportunities, increase US products' competitiveness and cool the growing anger among many who feel disenfranchised.

Ministry urges US, EU to stop 'politicizing' Chinese trade

[2012-11-22 09:10]

Trade protectionism targeting China will continue to be "severe" unless developed markets stop politicizing trade investigations into made-in-China goods.

US extends honey anti-dumping duty

[2012-11-20 14:42]

The United States International Trade Commission concluded in a sunset review on Monday that the US would continue to levy anti-dumping duties on honey imported from China.

US to continue probes into hardwood

[2012-11-10 11:28]

The US International Trade Commission voted to continue the investigations against imports of hardwood and decorative plywood from China.

US to levy steep duties on China solar products

[2012-11-08 09:12]

The US International Trade Commission decided Wednesday that the US solar industry was materially injured by Chinese imports.

US 'welcomes investment from China'

[2012-10-31 08:11]

The United States still welcomes Chinese investment that creates jobs in the country, a top US diplomat said on Tuesday.

Trade protectionism won't work for US

[2012-10-30 10:47]

Trade protectionism will not work for the US, and China needs balanced trade with the country as well as "sustainable reforms" to tackle its domestic challenges.

Blocking investment hurts US more than China

[2012-10-19 15:50]

Blocking investment from China will hurt the United States more than China, Ministry of Commerce spokesman Shen Danyang said Friday.

Trade official calls on US, EU to reject protectionism

[2012-10-19 09:48]

The European Union and the United States should not resort to protectionism to keep up with China's quick pace of economic growth, which may occur at an annual rate of 7 percent in the coming two decades, said a senior trade official.

US sets bad model by blocking Huawei, ZTE

[2012-10-18 17:31]

While claiming itself to be an open and free market, the United States has frequently used trade protectionism to protect its companies from overseas competition.

African trade to surpass EU, US

[2012-10-13 01:09]

Africa is likely to surpass the EU and the US to become China's largest trade partner in three to five years, a senior commerce official said.

Chinese solar panel makers condemn US ruling

[2012-10-12 14:46]

Chinese solar product manufacturers have complained over trade protectionism by the United States to impose heavy tariffs on China-made products.

WTO downplays China-US trade imbalance

[2012-10-03 08:52]

With the changing nature of global trade, a new way to measure bilateral trade balances will see China's surplus with the United States reduced by half.

US trade dispute with China a mistake

[2012-09-19 10:02]

US complaints over Chinese automotive subsidies will not only fail to benefit the US auto industry, but will demonstrate the country's duplicity.

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