Business / Auto Global

Super car races into China

By Yang Cheng (China Daily) Updated: 2014-05-05 08:20

Super car races into China
Steven Saleen poses next to a Super S7 at this year's Beijing auto show. Provided to China Daily

Saleen said the S7 is tailor-made for each individual consumer, who have to wait 12 months for delivery. He believes the bespoke car will become an appreciating investment, like a collectors' item.

He said that the value of a used 2005 Saleen S7 went up $100,000 in nine years.

Saleen said the WM Saleen is quite unique compared to other sports brands in China, due to the combined championships it won.

Saleen's aggressive move into China moved market insiders to warn of the increasing difficulty for people to get a driving license in economic powerhouse cities including Beijing and Shanghai.

The concurrent rise of wealth in China coincides with the country's tightening policies on energy spending and transportation facilitations.

Despite this Saleen said he still had confidence in his company and that the car had a "timely entry and will start hitting Asian showrooms and roadways."

Insiders said there are no statistics for the sales volume of existing sports cars in China because of the difficulty in categorizing sport cars in the existing evaluating system. For example some sports cars are four doors and some are two doors.

Super car races into China Super car races into China
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