Business / Companies

Avaya executive bullish on China

By Zhao Tingting ( Updated: 2015-03-10 16:33

Q: Several multinational companies have closed their China plants recently, how do you view this phenomenon? Does Avaya have a similar plan?

A: Different companies and industries have their own situation, and the company will make a choice based on market conditions and their own judgment.

I want to emphasize that, Avaya has always regarded China as a strategic market. We will increase investment in China market this year and introduce important measures, and we will become even more local.

Q: How do you like the development speed and scale of China's Internet industry, especially the prospects of mobile Internet?

A: As of December 2014, China's netizen number reached 649 million, with the Internet penetration rate of about 50 percent. Mobile netizen number stood at 557 million, increasing 56 million from the previous year. The scale of China's Internet market is approaching the US.

Undoubtedly, the development of mobile Internet will be a new driving force behind China's economy and promote the transformation of various industries, including enterprise communications and collaboration market.

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