Henkel sees "made in China 2015" a major area to contribute in
China's gold market entering a "new normal" stage: WGC
Riding on the 'smart cities' plan in China
Sound IP protection critical to Syngenta
China home to the most advanced UTC research facilities
To realize sustainable and profitable growth a priority: Dow Corning
Rising costs in major cities a big concern: Infosys
SAP aims to nurture a skilled workforce for the IT sector in China
Clariant to capture high-value growth chances to meet China's magatrends
Investment plans in major farming regions in China established: DuPont
Bayer confident in a healthy growth in China
Bosch strives for deepening the localization strategy in China
Optimizing operations with focus on environmental responsibility is key: DSM
Opening up of key sectors will boost domestic market: MasterCard