Business / Special Coverages

How to invest your year-end bonus?

( Updated: 2014-01-28 16:12

Editor's note: With China's Spring Festival approaching, many people are receiving their year-end bonuses. But where should they invest the big bucks? Here are some popular Internet finance products that could provide good returns.

1. Yu'E Bao

How to invest your year-end bonus?

Yu'E Bao (Leftover Treasure), an Alibaba personal finance product, now has 49 million users with aggregate deposits of 250 billion yuan ($41 billion). >>>

2. Xianjinbao

How to invest your year-end bonus?

NetEase, a leading Hangzhou-based Internet technology company, officially launched Tianjin, an investment product online platform, in collaboration with Xianjinbao, a money market fund managed by China Universal Asset Management.>>>

3. Baifa

How to invest your year-end bonus?

China's leading search engine Baidu, in cooperation with China Asset Management, has launched its first online wealth management platform Baifa, which literally means "great fortune for everyone" in Chinese.>>>

4. Licaitong

How to invest your year-end bonus?

Tencent's Wechat users transferred more than 800 million yuan to the app's wealth management platform, "Licaitong," on Jan 22, the day it was launched.>>>

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