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World Cultural Heritage: The Old Town of Lijiang

Updated: 2010-11-08 10:08


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Assessment of the World Heritage Committee:

Cleverly integrating the economy, strategically important places and rugged terrain, the Old Town of Lijiang perfectly preserved and reproduced its style of primitive simplicity. The buildings in the old town experienced the induction of the dynasties and have seen much of the changes. The old town enjoys a wide spread reputation because it has integrated the cultural characteristics of various ethnic groups. Lijiang has an old water supply system which is a crisscross, exquisite and unique system and still plays a role up to today.

World Cultural Heritage: The Old Town of Lijiang

The Old Town of Lijiang

Chinese Name: Li Jiang Gu Cheng

English Name: the Old Town of Lijiang

Code: 200-017

According to cultural and natural heritage selection criteria C (II) (IV), the Old Town of Lijiang was included in the World Heritage List in December 1997.

Lijiang Naxi Autonomous County is located in northwestern Yunnan Province in China, with the geographical coordinates 26°34' and 27°26' N and 99°23' and 100°32' E. The county covers an area of 7,648 square kilometers and has a population of 329,000. More than 10 nationalities including the Naxi, Han, Bai, Yi and Tibetan live here. Among them, the Naxi nationality has a population of 184,000, accounting for 57 percent of the total population. The terrain of Lijiang City slopes from northwest to southeast, showing a descending ladder-shape. The highest point is the Shanzi Peak of Mt. Yulong, which is 3,396 meters high, and the lowest point is the Jinsha River valley, which is 1,219 meters deep. The altitude difference between the highest point and lowest point is 4,337 meters. The Old Town of Lijiang lies on the plateau at the foot of Mt. Yulong, which is 2,400 meters above sea level, with a total area of 3.8 square kilometers.

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