Seal-cutting master to make for Olympic champions

Updated: 2012-07-18 16:47:27

( Xinhua)

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GUANGZHOU, China - A Chinese seal-cutting master will make seals for each of the Chinese Olympians who finish top of the podium in London.

Zhong Guokang, an accomplished seal cutting artist, will soon embark for the London Olympic Games slated for July 27 to August 12 with 80 Shoushan seal stones, a kind of expensive material for seal cutting.

"I would have taken more with me if my luggage was not overweight," he said.

Zhong also wants to take London Olympics as an opportunity to promote Chinese culture.

"Seal cutting seems to be an insignificant trick but one can see from it some of the Chinese culture," he said.

Zhong made 51 seals for the Beijing Olympic winners in 2008 when China placed number one in the gold medals tally for the first time.

Medal Count

1 46 29 29
2 38 27 22
3 29 17 19
4 24 25 33
5 13 8 7
6 11 19 14

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