London 2012 organizers to auction Olympic torches

Updated: 2012-06-21 09:03:13


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LONDON - London 2012 organizers LOCOG announced on Wednesday that authentic Olympic torches will be available from an official online auction throughout the Torch Relay.

The auction will take place at and the proceeds will help subsidize the costs of torches to torchbearers and contribute towards the staging of the Games.

Each torch is packaged in an Olympic torch relay collectors box and comes with a certificate of authenticity and unique serial ID number to protect customers. Each torch will be available on the auction website for approximately 7-14 days.

Torches will be released in special limited editions marking significant moments along the torch relay and featuring signed metallic shards by athletes and celebrities.

At Games time, rare and remarkable pieces of sporting equipment used in Olympic competitions will also be available through the official on-line auction. Coveted items include examples such as the baton from the men's 4 x 100m relay, a beach volleyball from the Horse Guard's Parade competition site and tennis balls from Wimbledon.

LOCOG commercial director Chris Townsend said: "The Olympic torch relay signifies the start of an exciting summer of sport across the UK. The relay will last for 70 days and the flame will carry with it the values and spirit of the Olympic Games across the UK.

"The London 2012 auction not only offers fans the chance to own a piece of history but helps subsidize the cost of torches for torchbearers."

Medal Count

1 46 29 29
2 38 27 22
3 29 17 19
4 24 25 33
5 13 8 7
6 11 19 14

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