South Korea plans to halve troops in Iraq

2006-11-28 15:16:00

South Korea, which once had the third-largest foreign military presence in Iraq, plans to halve the number of troops it has stationed there, the cabinet decided on Tuesday.

Britain to cut thousands of troops in Iraq next year

2006-11-28 10:58:02

Britain said it expected to withdraw thousands of its 7,100 troops from Iraq by the end of 2007.

S.Korea to bring home half of its troop in Iraq

2006-11-24 16:42:45

South Korea has decided to bring home almost half of its troops in Iraq while extending their overall deployment for another year, a news report said Friday.

Iraq withdrawal would be victory for 'terrorists' - Australian PM

2006-11-24 11:18:22

An early withdrawal of coalition forces from Iraq would have disastrous consequences and give victory to "terrorists", Australian Prime Minister John Howard has warned.

Rumsfeld move means US troops may leave Iraq sooner

2006-11-09 14:23:34

Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld's departure makes it easier for President George W. Bush to change course in Iraq and some analysts believe a phased reduction of U.S. troops there is now more likely.

US soldiers call for Iraq withdrawal in petition

2006-11-07 10:48:00

Hundreds of US soldiers have signed a petition calling for a troop withdrawal from Iraq and the document is to be formally presented to Congress in January, organizers said.

US to move 3,700 troops to Baghdad

2006-07-30 11:03:33

The US command announced Saturday that it was sending 3,700 troops to Baghdad to try to quell the sectarian violence sweeping the Iraqi capital.

U.K. said to seek Iraq pullout

2006-10-13 08:50:21

Britain's new army chief called for a withdrawal of British troops from Iraq, warning that the military's presence there only exacerbates security problems, according to an interview published Thursday.

Bush: Iraq withdrawal mean victory for enemies

2006-09-01 14:09:50

Speaking to gray-haired soldiers of former wars, President George W. Bush said America must continue to wage a difficult and costly war, or pull out and live under a growing threat of terror at home.

Bush: Leaving Iraq now would be disaster

2006-08-22 08:17:39

President Bush said on Monday at a news conference the Iraq war is "straining the psyche of our country" but leaving now would be a disaster.

Japan wraps military mission to Iraq

2006-07-25 09:46:13

The last batch of Japanese troops touched down on Japanese soil Tuesday, wrapping up the country's humanitarian mission inside Iraq, its biggest and most dangerous overseas deployment since World War II.

Group claims 3 GIs killed over rape-murders

2006-07-11 12:37:31

An al-Qaida-linked group claims it killed three U.S. soldiers last month and mutilated two of their bodies to avenge the rape-slaying of a young Iraqi woman by troops of the same unit.

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