London police chief quits over hacking saga

Updated: 2011-07-18 07:23


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Brooks and Rupert and James Murdoch are due to be questioned by parliament on Tuesday, including over reports that News International misled legislators during earlier hearings.

But Brooks' spokesman said her arrest might cast doubt on whether she could appear before politicians.

"Anything that will be said at the select committee hearing could have implications for the police inquiry," said David Wilson, adding Brooks was "shocked" by the arrest.

The flame-haired Brooks became the focus of widespread anger over the phone-hacking scandal but was initially protected by Murdoch, who guided her rise through the male-dominated world of UK tabloid journalism to become editor of the News of the World in 2000 and the Sun's first female editor in 2003.

Flying into London a week ago to take charge of the crisis, Murdoch appeared before journalists with his arm around her. Asked what was his first priority, he gestured at her and replied: "This one."

Known for her networking skills, Brooks rose quickly through the ranks of tabloid journalists, combining a tough demeanor that could intimidate hardened "hacks" with an ability to charm largely male editors.

But her initial refusal to quit, and a faltering speech she delivered when she closed the News of the World and ended the careers of dozens of colleagues, prompted some journalists to say she was out of touch.

In 2003, Brooks said the News of the World had made payments to police in the past but could not remember any specific examples.

The News of the World, which published its final edition a week ago, is alleged to have hacked up to 4,000 phones including that of murdered 13-year-old Milly Dowler, sparking a furor that forced Murdoch to close the paper.

Murdoch, who some media commentators say at first misjudged the strength of public anger, published apologies in several British newspapers at the weekend.

He lost another loyal executive on Friday when Les Hinton, another former head of his UK newspaper business, resigned as chief executive of Murdoch's Dow Jones & Co which publishes The Wall Street Journal.

"There are no excuses and should be no place to hide ... We will continue to cooperate fully and actively with the Metropolitan Police Service," News International said in statement on Sunday.

Leading British politicians renewed calls for greater media plurality and press regulation - a direct threat to Murdoch's empire, which includes The Sun, The Times and Sunday Times broadsheets, and 39 percent of BSkyB.

The Sunday Telegraph reported that members of the board of BSkyB, where James Murdoch serves as chairman, were due to meet in a special session on July 28 to discuss his future.

If James were to be felled by the scandal, British media speculated that his sister Elisabeth could secure the eventual succession to their father.


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