Global General

Libya vows to fight foreign ground troops

Updated: 2011-04-20 14:39
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US State Department spokesman Mark Toner, however, said despite Britain's dispatch of military officers, it doesn't "necessarily" mean the United States will "follow suit."

French President Nicolas Sarkozy will meet TNC chief Jalil Wednesday at the Elysee Palace.

The Spanish Congress voted to extend the country's military mission in Libya for another two months.

Meanwhile, Brigadier General Mark van Uhm from NATO said the alliance has acquired more military assets for its mission in Libya, several days after NATO chief Anders Fogh Rasmussen acknowledged more precision strike aircraft were needed.

UN spokesman Farhan Haq said UN agencies are providing humanitarian assistance to dwellers in Misrata, and other parts of the North African country.

Radhika Coomaraswamy, UN chief's special representative for children and armed conflict, called on forces loyal to Gaddafi and Libyan rebels to "immediately stop using children as combatants," saying her office continued to receive "credible information on recruitment and use of children" on a daily basis.

According to UN estimates, nearly half a million people have fled Libya since the beginning of insurgency in mid-February, and around 330,000 people have been internally displaced.

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