WORLD> Asia-Pacific
Clinton comes to Indonesia on symbolic visit
Updated: 2009-02-18 19:54

JAKARTA -- US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton arrived in Indonesia on Wednesday for a symbolic visit to the world's most populous Muslim nation, where President Barack Obama is a popular figure, despite some anti-US protests.

US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton waves to students from Besuki 1 elementary school after her arrival at Halim Perdanakusuma airport in Jakarta February 18, 2009. [Reuters]

Some rallies by hardline Islamic groups and students opposing Clinton's visit are planned, but this leg of her Asian tour is expected to go smoothly given good government-to-government relations and Indonesian pride in the fact that Obama lived in Jakarta for four years as a child.

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Clinton is due to arrive in the Indonesian capital from Japan on Wednesday afternoon, as part of a four-country Asian tour that also takes in South Korea and China.

The US Secretary of State called on Tuesday for coordinated action to revive the global economy at a news conference with Japanese Foreign Minister Hirofumi Nakasone.

Her visit to Indonesia is in line with Obama's desire to forge a better US relationship with the Muslim world, where many of the policies of former president George W. Bush's administration, including the 2003 US-led invasion of Iraq, were deeply unpopular.

Indonesia was no exception to that, but Washington aided Jakarta in efforts to quash its own domestic militants, Bush lifted sanctions on military aid and sales imposed over human rights issues, and there was cooperation in other areas.

However, while most Indonesian Muslims are moderate, the country has a small, radical fringe.

About 100 Indonesians from a hardline group, Hizbut Tahrir, protested against Clinton's visit outside the US embassy in central Jakarta on Tuesday, some arguing the visit was aimed at dividing Muslims.

Students shout 'God is Great' during held a rally at Jakarta's presidential palace February 18, 2009. [Reuters]

A small group of students staged an anti-US rally in the central Javanese city of Yogyakarta, while protests and marches by hardline Islamic groups were also expected in Jakarta.

The police have deployed 2,800 officers in the capital for Clinton's visit.

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