WORLD> America
US bank buy-in no economic quick-fix
Updated: 2008-10-15 14:39

The Dow Jones industrials declined 77 points on Tuesday after piling up their biggest point gain in history on Monday on news of Europe's rescue plan and in anticipation of the United States' new measures.

US President George W. Bush pauses during a statement on the economy in the Rose Garden of the White House, following a meeting of his working group on financial markets in Washington, October 14, 2008. [Agencies]

Initially the US government will pour US$125 billion into nine major banks with the hope that they will use the money to rebuild their reserves and to increase lending to consumers and businesses. Another US$125 billion will be made available this year to other banks -- if they need it -- for cash infusions.

In return, the government will get ownership stakes in the financial institutions. Banks, meanwhile, will have to accept limitations on executives' compensation.

"Government owning a stake in any private US company is objectionable to most Americans -- me included," US Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson said in announcing the initiative. "Yet the alternative of leaving businesses and consumers without access to financing is totally unacceptable."

Whether the US$250 billion will be sufficient to encourage banks to lend again is hard to tell, said Anil Kashyap, professor of economics and finance at the University of Chicago's Graduate School of Business. The US Treasury Department arrived at the US$250 billion figure after consulting with banking regulators.

"This plan will work if we wind up with everybody pretty well capitalized," Kashyap said. "But if it doesn't reach that point, we'll be back in soup down the road."

The US government is counting on banks not to just clutch onto the cash, which aggravated the credit crisis to begin with.

"The needs of our economy require that our financial institutions not take this new capital to hoard it, but to deploy it," Paulson said.

Treasury switched gears, deciding to first use a chunk of the US$700 billion from the recently enacted financial bailout package to pay for taking partial ownership stakes in banks, rather than using the money to buy rotten debts from financial institutions. The government said it still intends to buy the bad mortgages and other toxic assets, another move aimed at getting credit flowing again.

Besides the US$250 billion this year on the stock purchases, Bush said Tuesday that an additional US$100 billion would be needed in connection with covering bad assets. That would leave US$350 billion of the US$700 billion program, presumably to be spent by the next president.

Economists as well as both Democratic and Republican lawmakers on Capitol Hill had urged Treasury to first move forward on the capital injection plan, arguing that was a more effective way to battle the financial crisis.

The first bank to take advantage of the program was Bank of New York Mellon which announced it would sell US$3 billion in preferred shares to the Treasury. Other banks initially participating include Goldman Sachs Group Inc., Morgan Stanley, JPMorgan Chase, Bank of America Corp., including the soon-to-acquired Merrill Lynch, Citigroup Inc., Wells Fargo & Co., and State Street Corp.

The US government's cash infusions are attractive to banks because they are having trouble getting money from elsewhere. Skittish investors have cut them off, moving their money into safer Treasury securities. Financial institutions are hoarding whatever cash they have rather than lending it to each other or customers.

Two other initiatives also were unveiled to stem the credit crisis: The Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. launched an insurance fund to temporarily guarantee new issues of bank debt -- fully protecting the money even if the institution fails.

And, the FDIC will start providing unlimited deposit insurance for non-interest bearing accounts, which are mainly used by businesses to cover payrolls and other expenses. Frequently these accounts exceed the current US$250,000 insurance limit, so the expanded insurance should discourage nervous companies from pulling their money out. Both of these efforts would be financed by fees charged to participating financial institutions -- not money from the bailout package.

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