WORLD> America
Palin, in a bubble, meets her first world leaders
Updated: 2008-09-24 10:23

Karzai generated light laughter when he told an audience at the Asia Society that, in addition to Rice and Norway's prime minister, he had seen Palin on Tuesday. Thomas Freston, a member of the society's board, drew loud applause and laughter when he responded: "You're probably the only person in the room who's met Gov. Palin."

Republican vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin meets with Afghanistan's President Hamid Karzai (R) at a hotel in Midtown Manhattan, New York, September 23, 2008. Palin met for about a half hour with Karzai, whose US-backed country is struggling to contain a resurgent Taliban. [Agencies]

Randy Scheunemann, a longtime McCain aide on foreign policy, was close at hand during her meetings. Another adviser, Stephen Biegun, also accompanied her at each meeting and briefed reporters later.

Karzai and Palin discussed security problems in Afghanistan, including cross-border insurgencies. They also talked about the need for more US troops there, which both McCain and Democrat Barack Obama say is necessary, Biegun said.

With both Karzai and Uribe, Palin discussed the importance of energy security. With Uribe, the conversation also touched on the proposed US-Colombian Free Trade Agreement that McCain and Palin support but Obama opposes.

Her meeting with Kissinger, which lasted more than an hour, covered a range of national security and foreign policy issues, specifically Russia, Iran and China, Biegun said.

"Rather than make specific policy prescriptions, she was largely listening, having an exchange of views and also very interested in forming a relationship with people she met with today," he said.

As for the foreign leaders, Colombia's foreign minister, Jaime Bermudez, told The Associated Press that Palin and Uribe discussed the Bush administration's free trade agreement with Colombia, which McCain supports but Democrats in Congress have refused to bring to a vote.

"The crisis on Wall Street was also discussed," Bermudez said. "She knows the topic well."

Uribe's press secretary, Cesar Mauricio Velasquez, told AP the meeting lasted for 25 minutes and also touched on Colombian security and the global campaign against terrorists. "The conversation was interesting, opportune and relaxed," he said.