WORLD> Asia-Pacific
Taro Aso poised to become Japan's next PM
Updated: 2008-09-22 15:27

Japan's former Foreign Minister Taro Aso (3rd R) shakes hands with outgoing Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda (3rd L) and Japan's ruling Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) presidential election candidates after Aso was chosen as the party president during the LDP parliamentarian meeting at the party headquarters in Tokyo September 22, 2008. Japan's ruling party chose outspoken nationalist Aso, an advocate of spending and tax cuts to boost the economy, by a landslide on Monday to be next prime minister ahead of an election that may be held soon. Also in the picture are former Administrative Reform Minister Nobuteru Ishihara (L), former Defence Minister Yuriko Koike (2nd L), former Defence Minister Shigeru Ishiba (2nd R) and Economics Minister Kaoru Yosano. [Agencies]