WORLD> America
Obama veep announcement expected in coming days
Updated: 2008-08-19 11:46

Even as they were kept out of the loop on the decision, Obama's staff debated who would make the right choice. Many said if the candidate asked them, they would suggest Biden because of his foreign policy experience and strong debate skills; Sebelius because she's a respected Washington outsider who has won a Republican state; or Bayh because he can appeal to Democrats uneasy about Obama and could help him win Indiana.

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Each candidate could pose problems, too. An Obama-Sebelius ticket would be especially light on international experience. Bayh supported the Iraq war; Obama did not and has said that is a leading indicator of judgment.

Republicans are already envisioning their response to a Biden pick - Obama is so inexperienced that he had to pick someone with a 26-year record in Senate. Biden has spent a longer time on Capitol Hill than McCain, they point out, which doesn't exactly represent the kind of change Obama says is needed in Washington.

Biden was far from the speculation Monday; he traveled over the weekend to Georgia to meet with President Mikhail Saakashvili and discuss the country's military clash with Russia.

Other potential vice presidential prospects also seemed to be going about business as usual. Sebelius was traveling to Michigan on Tuesday to help boost Obama's support among women there, while Kaine helped unveil a bust of explorer Meriwether Lewis in Virginia's old House chamber on Monday.

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