WORLD> Middle East
Palestinian kills 3 in Jerusalem bulldozer attack
Updated: 2008-07-03 06:58

JERUSALEM - A Palestinian construction worker rampaged in a bulldozer along one of west Jerusalem's busiest streets on Wednesday, killing three Israelis as he crushed cars and overturned a bus before being shot dead.

The body of Hosam Dwayyat lies in the cab of a front end loader at the scene of an attack in Jerusalem July 2, 2008. Dwayyat, a Palestinian construction worker from Arab East Jerusalem, rammed the earthmoving vehicle into buses and cars on one of west Jerusalem's busiest streets on Wednesday, killing three Israelis and wounding more than 40 before he was shot dead. [Agencies]

There was no claim of responsibility from militant groups and police said they were trying to establish if 30-year-old Hosam Dwayyat had acted alone. At his family home in the Arab east of the city, there was no sign of the crowds and banners that normally accompany the funerals of Palestinian guerrillas.

A senior aide to Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, Vice Premier Haim Ramon, said the incident showed that some Palestinian areas like the one where Dwayyat lived should be separated from Jerusalem.

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Olmert has faced criticism in Israel for his willingness to consider giving Palestinians some Arab-populated areas annexed by Israel as part of Jerusalem after it occupied the West Bank and East Jerusalem in 1967. Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas wants the capital of a Palestinian state to be in Jerusalem.

Neighbours and relatives, including an uncle, said Dwayyat was divorced from a Jewish Israeli. Police said he had a history of drug offences but no known political affiliation.

Dwayyat drove the 20-tonne earthmoving vehicle for 500 metres (yards) along Jaffa Road, rolling over cars, crushing some occupants, and ramming into a crowded number 13 bus, flipping it on its side with his mechanical shovel.

Dramatic television footage showed the vehicle later at a standstill and a policeman in the cab, as rescue workers and passersby surveyed the wreckage. However, the bulldozer started moving again and a struggle could be seen inside the cab.

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